Do for one...

Sandy Lee, an eye doctor in California, agreed to assess John's eyes for further medical attention once he was in the states. She constructed letters that were essential to the documentation needed for John's Visa. She also had a community garage sale that raised support for John. She has been such an important person in the journey to Support John Hope and recently, Sandy began supporting our endeavors with Hope in His Vision! She contributed a gift donation that allowed us to purchase mattresses for the girls at the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Gatagara! We are blessed by her generosity and the students are blessed to be provided for when they are unable to provide for themselves.
The students had been sleeping on old hard mats. Sandrine, a student that suffers from scoliosis, has been enduring restless nights on her small sleeping mat. Tonight will be her first experience of sleeping on a real mattress since attending school. Most of the students do not have a mattress of their own to sleep on when they leave for holiday breaks, so Hope in His Vision saw fit for the students to keep the mattresses to take with them wherever they rest. We are in hope that the mattresses aide in long nights of rest for the students.
John's former teacher and friend, Manzi, has been helping us by ensuring the students receive their necessities and that the funds sent are adequately used to solely meet the needs of the students. Manzi is quick to communicate with our board members and continuously fulfills each obligation we set before him. He has been an asset to this journey since the beginning and never fails to happily help the students. Manzi does not receive any funding for his actions, he simply fulfills the position as a servant to God. His intentions are towards the well-being of the students and how he can make that possible for them. Our trust in him and need for his availability and his access to the students has led us to pray for his position with Hope in His Vision. Recently we asked Manzi to join our board in decision making and to pledge to continue working towards supporting Hope in His Vision. We are thrilled to receive his commitment and he is more than grateful to join our team!
Hope in His Vision is merely a gateway to giving and providing for the needs of the impoverished students in Rwanda. The students would not have received these mattresses if it weren't for Sandy Lee's heart flooded to meet their needs. Of course no one person (aside from billionaires I suppose) can take on all the needs of the students. But one person can make a $10 gift donation that will provide hygiene items for several students. Or your heart may be stirred to sponsor a single student that would be freed of the potential termination of their attendance in school. This is why we have our Hope List on the Hope in His Vision website, for you to easily learn about a student's background and their needs in one short paragraph. To view photos of the students or learn about them individually please visit our website at
"Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone." -Andy Stanley
Thank you guys for your endless support!!