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Jean Claude Nzabahimana

In his family of eight, Jean Claude and his two brothers were all born blind. He is the youngest of his siblings and motivated to become a successful journalist after he completes school. Jean Claude enjoys imitating journalists on the radio and often finds he is able to make his classmates laugh because of his comical and innocent imagination. At only eight years old, Jean Claude is blessed to have both his parents that are capable of supplying his school fees. Because new clothes, shoes, and hygiene essentials are not considered necessities in their family, his family is unable to put a high demand on these items. Jean Claude would be blessed to receive funding towards the very items we often spend too much income on. He recently told his teacher that his parents "do what they can to help me, but right now I don't have the toothpaste because it has finished." 

Denyse Irafasha

Laden by an unexplainable lack of hair growth that causes her to wear a wig, and physical complications with her hands and feet, Denyse battles angst and fear of being unloveable. However, her ambitions for learning are apparent with her high marks in her studies. Despite her hand disfigurement, she is the fastest, most efficient Braille typer in school. Her ability to break down a lesson for her colleagues makes her an irreplaceable asset in the classroom. Sometimes Denyse struggles with the way God made her, but that does not hinder the way she beautifully worships Him through singing praises. Her enthusiasm to succeed towards a PhD  in law school, to provide for her parents and six siblings, is not swayed by her physical hindrances. Denyse's confidence would raise through your words of inspiration and reassurance that she is beautifully and wonderfully made and as she follows the path ahead, she will surely triumph.

Christian Nkundukoze

Christian's visual impairment was caused by a congenital disorder of albinism. The only child suffering from a disability in his family of ten, Christian's school fees are mostly paid for by Liliane Foundation. Due to the recent increase of school fees, his parents have tried to manage the extra costs themselves. However, as small garden farmers they are struggling to make ends meet. With goals to one day become a successful musician or journalist, Christian puts finishing school at the focal point of his life. His aspiration to provide for his family motivates him to endure his fears of hunger and social abuse. Christian would greatly benefit from words of love and encouragement, as well as funding for a portion of his school fees, school materials, clothes, and necessities. 

Alphonsine Niyibigira

Alphonsine was left an orphan after the Genocide. Cerebral Palsy has not only taken over her muscles and brain, but is the cause of her visual impairment. Alphonsine spends her holiday vacations alone, typically in an old abandoned house left to her by her deceased parents. Alphonsine blesses those that have the privilege of listening to her sing gospel songs. She would greatly benefit from knowing that she is cherished in this world, where single masterpieces such as herself are sometimes looked over. She is a treasure to our God, and your words of reassurance would help mend Alphonsine's broken heart. With absolutely no family or income, Alphonsine would benefit from your gracious generosity to fulfill her endless list of needs. 

Emelyne Mpawenimana

A cataract problem left Emelyne visually impaired at 3 years old. Her time is spent openly singing and praising God, along with conversing about her passion for God with those around her. Emelyne is the sixth child in a large family of eight. Her parents are middle class citizens but with such a large family to care and provide for, Emelyne is left with some of her necessities unmet. Your generous donation will provide everyday essentials, school fees, and supplies for Emelyne.




Canisius Mungwakuzwe

A writer and vocalist of Blessing Melodies, Canisius enjoys encouraging and mentoring the students at Gatagara. He has led the service at their church and often interprets English for visitors. He is extrememly studious and even spends much of his time reading and memorizing the dictionary to improve his English skills.  Legally blind, but still having the ability to read large print, Canisius shares the Bible verbally with the students. His vision has consistently degraded with age. His father recently passed away, and his mother is not engaged in his life presently. Without family support, he is without basic needs.

Adeline Nishimwe

She spent her life blind in an orphanage because her father was a single parent, mentally unstable, and without funds or the capability to care for the both of them. Adeline struggles with hopelessness, low self-esteem, and fear of abandonment. Adeline would thrive from your encouragement. She is a daughter of God, and precious in His eyes. She is loved and valued, but often needs a reminder of this truth. She lives in fear of wondering if she will be able to return to school each new term because she has no way of paying her transport fees or school fees now that her orphanage has closed down. She would be blessed by funds that would provide for her school and transport fees, clothes, shoes, and school materials. 

Pacifique Ndungutse

His deepest desire is to be an educated man who serves God, so that he has the capability to provide for his mother and siblings. Pacifique's father was killed from poisoning when Pacifique was only a young boy. His eyes were infected at the age of eight, when he found his face flooded with blood. Because his mother makes only a small income of $1.38 a week selling vegetables, Pacifique unfortunately was unable to visit the hospital. Despite life's hardships, Pacifique is optimistic about his future goals. Your words of support will encourage him and your generosity will provide school fees, class materials, and hygiene essentials to brighten Pacifique's future. 


You will find Vitoosie with her eyes closed about 99% of the time. Because she suffers from an incurable illness and a severely malnourished food regime, she struggles with staying awake. Vitoosie is easily confused for a child half her age, at four years old, due to her small size. Sponsorship would provide Vitoosie with nourishing foods, medical visits, school fees and management for her HIV; which would, in turn, allow her to stay awake during school and focus on her studies. Vitoosie's gentle presence is drowned by HIV symptoms. Your sponsorship would brighten Vitoosie's grey world and provide a successful life for her future!

Clemence Umwari

Clemence devotes her entirety to God, spending most of her time in prayer or praising God through gospel songs. Because of a disagreement her relatives had over her parents' marriage, Clemence suffered poisoning that caused her visual impairment. Since her father passed away and her brother is missing, she and her mother are left alone to care for each other. Clemence would benefit from your generous funding that would provide for her school fees, supplies, clothes, shoes, hygiene essentials, and transportation. 

Jean de Dieu Twagirimana

Fun-loving and humorous, Jean de Dieu suffered from an illness in his eyes at the age of three that severely deteriorated his sight to complete blindness. He is gifted in song and musical abilities. Jean de Dieu prefers to spread the Gospel through song and praise. He is living under the roof of his grandmother, but is not a wanted grandson in her house. His school fees are currently provided for, but his hygiene and material needs are unmet. Jean de Dieu would greatly benefit from your emotional and financial support. Uplifting words would lead him to feel loved and encouraged, and your generosity will provide clothes, shoes, hygiene necessities, and school materials. 

Janvier Igirubuntu

Cataracts left Janvier blind during his childhood. He dedicates his life to serving God in every way he is capably fit. As a Preacher of the Bible, dedicated musical performer, and gospel composer, Janvier sets God at the center of his life. His mother is stricken by back ailments and is unable to sufficiently provide for Janvier and his two siblings. He puts his entire faith in the hands of God, believing God has established provisions for him. Janvier would flourish in his life's journey from your prayers, words of encouragement, and contributions that would allow him to pay for necessities. 

Marie Louise Tuyisenge

Marie Louise dedicates her life to prayer and singing praises to God. She is a peace-maker amongst her peers at school, with a dedicated heart of prayer for their salvation. The only girl in an orphaned family of boys, she has taken it upon herself to become educated and hopes to obtain a job that will provide for herself and three brothers. She was sighted until an illness took over her vision at the age of ten, and without parents she was unable to afford a visit to the hospital. She suffers from discomfort in her eyes and would greatly benefit from funds generously donated by you that would provide for medical treatment, along with material posessions for school, hygiene essentials, clothes, and shoes. 

Audery Igiraneza

An orphan from Burundi and gifted with the most beautiful singing voice, Audrey is a member of the school's singing group called Blessing Melodies. She is a gem in this world and a friend to all that meet her. She is not burdened by her leg complications that often keep her from walking. She sees life's optimisms, and greatly blesses those that encounter her presence. She thrives in school, but without family support she is unable to afford basic necessities such as hygiene items, clothes, shoes, etc.

Deborah Ishimwe

Suffering from low vision, Debola does not let her lack of eye sight interfere with her capability to perform in sports activities. She lost her father when she was a baby and lives with her mother that works her best to provide for Debola. Paying for the rent has become a burden for Debola's mother, and they oftentimes wrestle with the decision to put their income towards Debola's school and necessities, or rent for their house. Debola would greatly thrive from your encouragement, for she often fears of becoming an orphan and becoming unsuccessful in school. She would also be blessed by funds that would provide for her clothes, shoes, and school materials. 


Jean Niyomwungere

Motivated to become a lawyer in order to support his impoverished family of eleven back home in Burundi, John strives to uplift and encourage others through his words of insight and guidance. He suffers from pain in eyes, caused by blindness that seized his sight at the age of five. John would be encouraged through words of comfort and peaceful reminders that God is continuously at his side. Without the ability to support himself while in school, John would greatly benefit from funds that would allow him to travel to school and obtain the materials and necessities he lacks to fully engage in the classroom. 

Sandrine Umuhoza

Suffering from a contorted back and illness, Sandrine is told she will eventually become blind. She has been attending Gatagara School for the Blind for several years learning Braille in order to prepare her for her predicted future blindness.  She also uses her eyes to help her fellow visually impaired classmates by reading to them from the Bible and helping them get around. Sandrine was orphaned as a child, and now resides with her aunt that is unable to provide the appropriate funding to keep Sandrine in school. She spends time singing praises and focusing on her studies in hopes to complete school. Her Aunt lives in poverty and would be blessed to know that you are helping Sandrine by funding her for school fees, materials, and hygiene essentials. 

Divine Ndacayisaba

Blessed with the gifts of leadership and counsel, Divine is motivated to fulfill her ambitions to pursue a career in psychology. She dedicates her time to serving God, praying with her friends and singing praises as a part of Blessing Melodies. Divine is not swayed from the path God has set before her. A sickness left Divine visually impaired at the age of six, before it completely took over her sight leading her to complete blindness. The youngest of two girls, with a mother living in poverty, Divine struggles to obtain enough income to meet the demands of school and personal posessions. Divine would be blessed by your willingness to fund her school fees, classroom materials, and hygiene necessitites. 


Sonia's life was drastically changed when the orphanage she resided at was shut down in 2014. The orphanage placed most children with distant relatives or families willing to take in a child. Sonia was placed with a couple that live in extreme poverty, this hinders them from providing adequately for her. As a baby, Sonia was plagued by hydrocephalus. Recently she obtained surgery that provided a shunt that was placed in her head, allowing the fluid to drain through a tube that flows into her abdomen. As she grows her small pediatric shunt will need replacing. A generous donation has been made allowing Sonia's caretakers to obtain surgery for her future shunt replacement. 

Jakeline Mukarukundo

Jakeline suffered from a fall that because of her life in poverty, left her paralyzed. She had been attending The School for the Blind and Visually Impaired at Gatagara, striving to succeed in her education to hold a place in her life for a future career. Now, abandoned by family because of the recent financial burden her paralysis has caused them, and left in a hospital bed unable to see or move, Jakeline's future goals have drastically changed. Before the hospital saw funding for her, Jakeline was left alone in a hospital bed for days. Jakeline would benefit from your sponsorship in the most dire way. She has expensive medical care costs, no food or clothing, no family to encourage her, and is learning to live in a bed the rest of her days until further medical intervention. 

Philippe Uwizeye

Philippe was burdened by an unexplainable visual impairment at the age of ten, because of their lacking finances, his family was unable to take him to the doctor for medical attention. The oldest of a large family, he feels responsible for his siblings well being and hopes to finish school at the university level to become an entrepreneur to provide for them. Philippe spends his free time listening to music and praying. Because his father does not make enough income to support their family, Philippe is left to fend for himself and often spends his days wondering where his next meal will come from, or if he will manage to obtain enough funds to support the next school term. Philippe would benefit from your words of reasurrence of God's love and provisions for his life, as well as funding towards, school, travel expenses, school material, hygiene materials, clothes, shoes, and food. 

Anita Yandamuriye

Anita and her mother were abandoned by her father when he learned his daughter had been born blind. With a debilitating illness, Anita's mother is forced to spend her income on medications to survive. Unfortunately, this leaves Anita in debt for her schooling. Despite the hardships of her life, Anita always has a beautiful smile, peaceful demeanor, and love for Christ that she shares by singing gospel songs for all to enjoy. She hopes to one day work in a theatre as a vocalist. Anita's dream to complete her education can be made a reality through your generous donations.

Sammuel Niyomugabo

At two years old, Sammuel was stricken with a curable illness that, because of poverty and the inability of his parents to pay the hospital, left him blind. Left as an orphan at a young age and put into the care of his grandmother, Sammuel is only provided with food leaving the rest of his needs unmet. Because of his life in poverty, he aspires to succeed in school and go on to become a wealthy journalist. Full of light and an amusing personality, Sammuel's life would improve from your encouragement and any access to funding for school fees, school supplies, clothes, shoes, and hygiene essentials.

Emelyne Nshemezimana

A poetic and devoted servant of God, Emelyne seeks to pursue a career in journalism to provide for her two brothers and mother. Emelyne was born blind, but a miraculous event enabled her to see images and light. Doctors suggested glasses that would enable her to see, but the funds were impossible to gather and her sight has not progressed since. Her family helps with primary needs, but school materials and fees are unmet. Your consideration to fund Emelyne would be a generous asset in her life, providing a way for her to finish school and cover medical fees without the worries of poverty. 

Fortunee Mukanyandwi

One of three survivors out of her ten siblings, Fortunee became blind after an illness that took her sight as a baby. She lives with her father whose age keeps him from acquiring enough income to provide for the needs of his children. Fortunee enjoys singing gospel praises to God, and has hopes of going on to a university to continue her education and pursue a career in journalism. Her future plans are to provide for her family and share her wealth with the needy. Fortunee's eyes cause her to need consistent medical attention and pharmaceuticals. Her medical needs would be met by your generous contributions to cover the expensive fees at the hospital, as well as her school fees and materials. 

Joseph Itangishaka

Joseph encountered a close-call with death after he learned he would soon be poisoned for the burden he caused his family. Because of his blindness, he was left isolated in his village for four long years after he finished primary school. He was brought to the Hope in His Vision Academy with bugs in his clothes and jiggers in his feet. Joseph loves to worship God and sing songs. He aspires to attend college one day and is eager to learn new skills at the Academy. Your support will provide Joseph with daily necessities, medical fees, materials for learning new trades, and the funds to provide for his future college education! Thank  you for considering Joseph! 


Gatsinzi comes from a family of blind siblings. He is fortunate enough to have both of his parents; although they are unable to provide for all Gatsinzi's necesseties. He has hopes of finishing primary school and attending college in his future. Gatsinzi aspires to become a successful, educated blind person in Rwanda and prove to society how important and capable the blind are. Your sponsorship would provide Gatsinzi with school supplies, hygiene essentials, medical fees, clothes and shoes. 


Meet Richard! Richard became blind when he was 11 by some unknown disease that took away his sight. He came to Rwanda to attend secondary school, and to get the opportunity to go to university afterwards. He is originally from Burundi, and because he became blind and has a disability, in Burundi he was only given the chance to attend primary school. (All students with disabilities in Burundi are only given the opportunity to attend primary school.) So that is why he came to Rwanda on his own, while Burundi is where all of his family resides. He also feels very called by God to become a teacher and hopefully become part of the movement to change how people with disabilities are treated in Rwanda and Burundi. His aim is to teach students with and without disabilities and begin inclusion to change the culture and system. Not only does he have big dreams, Richard also has one of the biggest personalities in the program. At the academy he can always be seen talking to other students and making them laugh. He is also fluent in Kinyarwanda, Swahili, French, and English which he willingly tutors and teaches visitors whom he comes into contact with. He loves languages, and he loves education, and he is also very talented in the sport Goalball. 

Joseph Bigir’Imana

Joseph Bigir’Imana is a very talented young man!  He is a secondary student at the school for the blind and from Burundi.  He is very gifted at hand crafting beautiful bags and rugs.  He has a quiet and gentle spirit.  Joseph needs a sponsor to provide for his basic needs and school fees.  

Emmanuel Bugingo

Emmanuel Bugingo was born able to see but later on in life contracted an unknown disease that took his sight. He was raised by his grandma who passed away last year. He is so thankful to join Hope in His Vision because he can continue studying and finish his degree to become an amazing teacher!  has a wonderful dream of writing his own biography to share his story and what God has done through him. Because he has some vision in one of his eyes, he loves to help guide and take care of the other students at the Academy He also loves to dance and cannot keep still when worship music comes on, and he often gets those around him to dance with joy before the Lord. His smile, dance moves, and loving spirit are contagious! Please pray for Emmanuel. Pray for God to continue to provide for him, and lead him, and love him, and make him into a great leader and educator.


Support our students by providing for their water and electricity bills. Often times students are left without running water for days and use a bucket of cold water to clean themselves. Your contribution will provide students with the ability to flush their toilet and take a warm shower without worries of the water turning off.


At the top of his class, Emmanuel strives to learn as much as possible in his studies at the school for the blind. This young man takes nothing for granted, Emmanuel understands his hard work in primary school will one day pay off and provide a foundation of discipline for his desire to attend and graduate from college. In the future, he hopes to attain a successful career that will help provide for his mom and siblings. Emmanuel is eager for sponsorship that will provide for his basic needs and make attending college a reality in his future!




Skilled with artistic abilities, Devota has joined the Hope in His Vision Academy as the knitting instructor. Because Devota is visually impaired, she understands the way a blind person learns and is comfortable using her hands and voice to teach the Academy students. Devota's passion for knitting has turned into a passion for teaching; she teaches to earn an income and desires to see the students earn their own income and provide for themselves by learning to successfully knit. Your sponsorship will allow Devota to continue to travel to the Academy and perfect the student's knitting skills!


Callixte Ikuzwe

Callixte is the Hope in His Vision Academy Supervisor.  He lost his vision as a child but did not let that get in the way of his academics.  He graduated from the University of Rwanda with  a bachelor's degree in business and economics.  He loves to learn and learn more!   Callixte is the team captain for the national goal ball team of Rwanda.  Serving the blind and visually impaired is his passion.  He works day and night to make sure the students' needs are met to the best of his ability.  He supervises and facilitates the students' training  and classes at the Hope in His Vision Academy.  He lives at the Academy with the students and ensures that everything is running smoothly.  He also leads Bible studies for them and teaches technology classes.  We are so thankful to have Callixte on our team! 

Manzi Jean d'Amour

Manzi Jean d'Amour is the In-Country Director for Hope in His Vision.  He is a hard working husband and a proud father to his baby girl. He is also a teacher at the school for the blind and visually impaired. Manzi has experienced the struggles of an impoverished student first hand as a young child in Rwanda. Because of his own personal experience as a student living in poverty, he holds a deep desire to positively impact the lives of the Hope in His Vision students. Manzi holds an essential position and is the hands and feet of this organization. Manzi is a complete servant to God and makes sure to give God credit for everything. Manzi puts in many hours  communicating with our Board Members, providing information about the students in need, and making sure the funds are adequately used and distributed towards the needs of the students. His determination to contribute to this organization is apparent in all his efforts and prayers. In all he does, he is serving God.

Support our students in the trade school by providing materials for them to continue weaving bags, allowing them to buy food for themselves! The bag trade serves as an opportunity for students to gain responsibility for themselves and also gain a sense of accomplishment! We are proud of the commitment our students have creating these beautiful bags!  

Support students by providing rent that allows them a safe place to stay and fellowship! Several students are either homeless or live in a dangerous war-zone. Providing rent will create a 'home' and a 'family' for those without!

Sponsor a student for a year by ensuring their utilities and food are taken care of each month! While several students have began making bags to sell as a trade that provides funds for their needs, other students become orphaned or homeless without warning. The donations provided for utilities and food will ensure anyone needing a place to stay will also go to sleep with a full belly!

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(903) 366-1920

© 2015 by Hope in His Vision.

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